Azem Hajdari’s son, Kiri Hadari and Azem’s brother, Rasim, are beside Basha and Berisa leading the popular revolt. They walked together from the DP headquarters by giving a clear message that Azem’s ideals still live in the fire of popular revolt. Basha walked from the DP headquarters accompanied by his wife Aurela and hundreds of other protesters. Just a few meters behind Basha, Chair of SMI, Kryemadhi, joined the protest march towards the Parliament.
Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha has arrived in front of the premises of the Assembly of Albania, where he is expected from protesters.
Citizens and supporters of the Democratic Party have gathered in front of the Assembly.
Lulzim Basha, has arrived from the pedestrian part just as the deputies and ministers came to the Assembly as well as the march on the boulevard.